Summer Slide

Beth ChamberlinBlog

Every September when the school year begins we hear about the “summer slide” – that drop in children’s scholastic abilities that is attributed to 10 weeks of vacation spent avoiding all situations where learning might actually take place.  Thankfully the agile little minds of our children seem to kick into gear fairly quickly once classes begin and they start exercising their brains again.

In the fitness world we see a very similar occurrence with our dedicated exercise clients.  Paradoxical though it may seem, in the summer, when the weather is most conducive to getting out there and working up a sweat, people seem to fall off the workout wagon and lose that toned physique that they spent the fall, winter and spring honing to a fine, beach-worthy edge.  Vacations, day-trips, barbecues and the rigors of  entertaining bored children are just a few of the obstacles that make that exercise habit easy to break.

Well, the school year is here and summertime is rapidly giving way to autumn.  This is the perfect time to get back to the gym and get re-acquainted with your physical self.  The beauty of the human body is that no matter how long you’ve laid off, the minute you start working out again, it will begin to reward you with strength, vitality and a smaller waistline.

So get back on that horse.  Go to the gym, take a run or knock out a few push-ups.  Thousands of studies point to the life-enhancing benefits of exercise beyond weight-loss and it’s never too late to start.  The only thing you have to do is keep at it and the change will happen.

Nyack BootCamp is offering a Kettlebell 101 class on Saturday, September 5th at 9:30 AM.  All are welcome.    Email or call 558-0351 for details.  You can also sign up online on our store page.